Back to the Future Part II PG(L) *** Back To the Future Part II Movie. Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson. (1989) Marty and Doc Brown attempt to rectify the results of Marty's trip to the past. Directed and co-scripted by Robert Zemeckis. [EventInfo] EventName = Back to the Future Part II ; Event Name from epg.mdb~eit~EventName ChannelName = MC-EA ; Channel Name EID = 0x004A2FBF ; EID from epg.mdb~eit~EID NIDSID = 0x01000144 ; NIDSID from epg.mdb~eit~NIDSID EventStart = 050325 160000 ; Event Start Time modified from epg.mdb~eit~BUnixTime EventEnd = 050325 180000 ; Event End Time modified from epg.mdb~eit~EUnixTime Language = 0x00474E45 ; Event Language from epg.mdb~eit~Lang NextEventDetail = 050325 180015 ; Next Scheduled Time to Write a Detail File (unless the channel is changed) [EventRecording] RecordingFileName = 050325_160000 MC-EA Back to the Future Part II.mpg ; Recorded File Name RecordingFileLoc = C:\wftp\TV\ ; MyTheatre Settings.GeneralSettings.Recording.RecordFilesTo DetailFileName = 050325_160000 MC-EA Back to the Future Part II.txt ; Detail File Name DetailFileLoc = C:\wftp\TV\ ; if defined: AltDetPath else: MyTheatre Settings.GeneralSettings.Recording.RecordFilesTo RecordingStart = 050325 160212 ; Record Start Time (approximate) [Environment] Delay = 15 ; Delay (in seconds) after channel change/startup before grabbing EPG data AltFileNaming = 0 ; Use Alternate File Naming and Date Scheme 0/1 DVBDevice_Name = ; User Specified DVB Hardware Information (from Settings.ini:[Detailor]) DVBCore_Version = DVBCore v5.61.07.00 Copyright (C)2002,2003 Saar Software ; DVBCore Version AVB_Version = SDM25Mar2005 ; AVB DLL Version Homepage = ; AVB/Detailer Homepage URL Comment = ; User Specified Comment (from Settings.ini:[Detailor])